
“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberate others”

- Marianne Williamson

Health can be simple.

Throughout my childhood, I grew up not only hearing about the power of nature to benefit our health, but also living it in my day-to-day life. In my home we rarely used synthetic medicine to take care of common conditions like the flu, headache, or digestive issues. I remember that for absolutely any condition my grandma had a herbal recipe of some kind and the results were always amazing! So, the power of nature is something I never really doubted!

But life went on and I became a mother! When my twins were born I was living in a foreign country and far from my family's natural medicine wisdom. Consequently, I found myself in the hands of traditional doctors. And then reality touched me deeply!

I knew there had to be a better, safer, and more natural way to take care of my children. My mom’s instinct knew that, but I felt powerless and insecure with no other choice.

I prayed for an alternative solution and one day the universe came with an answer. I was introduced to essential oils and immediately I knew that this was the solution I was looking for. At the time I didn't know in how many levels these oils would touch my life, but something in my heart told me this was going to work. And that’s how I started this beautiful journey of learning, using and sharing essential oils until eventually it became a wonderful and fulfilling business.  

Today it is with great joy that I empower other families to do the same and live a more natural lifestyle by incorporating the essential oils and other natural products into their routines! It’s all about creating a strong foundation: having great nutrition, managing toxins and taking care of building a strong immune system. And dōTerra can help us accomplish all of these with its natural, tested and safe products.

I invite you to try the oils in your life! You can choose to get started just as a simple user or wholesale customer, or as an active consultant in this movement to spread health around the world by creating your own essential oils business!

Start your new and empowered life today