Luciana Paz Luciana Paz


In my opinion, Bergamot is a must have in your collection of essential oils.

This is a highly antiviral oil, and it even acts in a definite way against these threats when other oils, such as doTERRA On Guard or Lemon do not give the desired results. Also, on the emotional side, this is an oil we all need at certain moments in our lives. We’ll see more details about its emotional use. The 100% pure Bergamot from doTERRA can be used internally, aromatically in a diffuser, and also topically. 

That being said, I recommend avoiding the topical application of Bergamot as much as possible, since it is the most photosensitive of all citrus oils. When used topically, you should wait at least 48 hours before any sun exposure. Otherwise, it can burn the skin and blemishes may occur, which will take time to heal.

Some interesting facts about bergamot:

Bergamot is similar to an orange, a small tangerine, it is a citrus fruit, and it was used as a fragrance in the first colognes that were created, as far as you know.

It is widely used as a flavoring in teas, very well known in England, called Earl Grey. It is a very common tea, like black tea, which we use a lot in Brazil. Earl Grey is a type of tea that is widely used in England, and bergamot is often used as a flavoring for this type of tea.

It is distilled and cold pressed from the fruit's peel. It is found in the Beautiful blend, found here in the United States, in the Align blend, which is an alignment blend that is part of the yoga kit, and in Citrus Bliss, which is very well known in Brazil. And it’s also found in Clary Calm, which is the women's blend. It makes excellent synergy with Ylang Ylang, lavender and patchouli oils.

So, what are the therapeutic uses of bergamot?

It is a neurotonic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antibacterial, antifungal, stimulant of the digestive system and a powerful sedative.

Bergamot is wonderful for those who have trouble falling asleep. It calms the mind and gives that feeling of deep relaxation. Apply to the soles of your feet and the back of your neck and diffuse.

For sadness, it is highly recommended for people who are going through a difficult period of sadness. I highly recommend using this oil in a diffuser.

It also helps with feelings of stress, joint support and cramps. For fungal problems, you can apply it directly to the affected areas. To support the respiratory system, such as coughs and bronchitis, you can apply it to your chest and use it in a diffuser.

For congestion problems, bergamot is widely used. Bergamot can be used internally, as it will help strengthen our body's immune response. If you think you are going to catch a cold or the flu, you can take bergamot internally. It is great for activating the immune system.

Let's now talk about the emotional side of bergamot, which is the oil of Self-Acceptance.

Bergamot helps to alleviate feelings of despair and self-judgment and low self-esteem. It helps individuals to clear stagnant feelings and limiting beliefs about themselves.

This oil invites the individual to see themselves in a more optimistic light. When a person cannot identify positive points in themselves, this oil invites them to look at themselves, to look inside, to see this light of feelings of greater optimism and positivity. 

People who believe that they are bad, unloved, not good enough tend to hide behind a mask. Especially people who feel they have to show they are happy and cheerful all the time. Usually this is a facade. People are always smiling, always laughing. It is a facade, it is a mask. There are so many things that we hide behind this mask and I would say that we all do this, one way or the other, we hide behind a mask. I would say that we all have this fear of expressing our true feelings and thoughts. 

The purifying and cleansing properties of Bergamot help us to remove these energies of negative beliefs, bringing hope. Hope that we can be able to see and accept. Because many times it is a fear of accepting who we are and the positive things that we have. So, the recommendation for those people who have feelings of despair, self-judgment, lack of love, and hopelessness is Bergamot. This oil brings optimism, confidence, self-love, and self-sufficiency. It activates the Self. I am good enough. I have positive characteristics that I can help other people with. I have positive things in me, I identify them in myself. It will bring a sensation of self-love and self-confidence.

At first, this oil may have an aroma that you may not like very much. So I recommend using it diluted on the soles of your feet. If it's an aroma that you like and you still feel that you need this oil, use it in the diffuser.

Start using it in your diffuser every day. My recommendation is that whenever we are working on our emotions, we can use it for one or two weeks. See how you feel, notice what has changed in you.

All oils do this. That's why I like to use it for one or two weeks and then stop and re-analyze the situation. The oils lift veils. We all have veils. There are aspects of ourselves that we don't want to see. Using oils consistently shows us aspects of ourselves that were hidden. For me, this is the greatest gift.

Another example I can give of this aspect is like a flower that is blooming. Many of us have this closed bud that never opens. Throughout our lives, we close ourselves off because we don't want to see it. We are afraid of our own brilliance. Deep down, it is afraid of seeing the brilliance that we have inside us.

That's why I always say that we all need all the oils. And we begin to open this flower. And we begin to remove these veils and this process of self-knowledge begins. Each oil works on a different aspect.

All of us, at some point in our lives, will need more of one oil than another, but invariably, we all need all of these oils. So, work on the feeling that you think is most important to you at that moment. Use it for one or two weeks. Use it in a diffuser, use it on the soles of your feet and start to feel what you need to work on. You may start to go through a crisis, which is completely normal.

Sometimes, in order to heal our hearts, we need to go through a process of discovery and a process of crisis, which is not easy. Many times, looking at aspects that we have hidden for so many years inside of us is not easy. So, let it be a slow process and let you process it according to the intensity and need of each one, but let us be able to process it in the best way possible.

This will allow anyone to feel how fast you can increase your well-being and have their own experience with essential oils.

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

Sinfonia das células- Método de Aplicação dos Óleos Essenciais por Boyd Truman

The Symphony of the Cells is a technique that was developed by Boyd Truman, a massage therapist and aromatherapist, who has been working with essential oils for over 30 years.

The Symphony of the Cells technique was developed using decades of practical knowledge and experience with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Boyd developed a passion for health and nutrition at a young age and this later transformed into his career of teaching and educating others. He studied massage therapy and is trained in many different modalities, including essential oils.

He came from a holistic, natural health-oriented family, so experience and study taught him which essential oils were ideal for different body systems/conditions. And since emotions are always present in our physical bodies, he also incorporated this factor when using essential oils in his practices and later in his Symphony of the Cells technique.

And with all his experience, he discovered groups of oils that act in specific ways on certain body systems. He then used these protocols to create the Cell Symphony to systematize and to make it easier for anyone to apply it with confidence.

Why is Symphony of the Cells so important?

Symphony of the Cells™, SOC, takes a holistic approach to wellness and recognizes the importance of taking proper care of our bodies. It encompasses a variety of personalized essential oil applications, targeting different body systems and related conditions.

Each application targets a specific body system and includes a list of essential oils that Boyd has discovered through experience and training that are best suited for that system.

The application technique consists of layering the oils on areas where there is a high volume of nerve endings: all over the back and on the soles of the feet.

Layering essential oils is the technique that Boyd developed.

Why on the back?

Because there is a high volume of nerve endings and spinal fluid that runs along the spine to the soles of the feet. This will carry the essential oils throughout our body. Much like the aromatouch technique developed by Dr David Hill.

Our body is made up of several systems that work in harmony. So if we have a digestive problem and we try to use protocols for this problem and it doesn't work, then we have to look at the emotional side as well.

Purpose of SOC

The purpose of the SOC was to empower other people to increase their confidence in applying essential oils, so basically we are the ones who give confidence in applying essential oils. These applications allow users to experience and share the power of essential oils. They can be used on yourself or on other people, which means that you can also use them and share the benefits of the oils with confidence.

This technique was developed so that the oils could fulfill their role without having to worry about the movement that should be made with the hands, applying the massage in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The oil when applied to the right region will know exactly the role it has to fulfill.

Applying this technique is very simple and easy and anyone can do it. It doesn't require a lot of experience or level. It was designed to help our body receive maximum absorption and benefits. It allows everyone to confidently apply essential oils efficiently and makes a necessary connection between our body systems and many diseases.

You can apply it yourself on your back as far as your arm can allow, as the effect will already be directed to the right region, such as the soles of your feet.

“If someone wants good health, they must first ask themselves if they are willing to eliminate the causes of their disease. This is the only way to help them” - Hippocrates

In other words, before we want to help someone, we must ask them if they want to be helped, because no matter how many protocols are used, if inside the person do not want this cure, nothing will be able to help them.

The SOC has a clear and holistic vision, that is, feelings, emotions and body play an important role in the person's condition.

How does the SOC help?

Each application consists of an easy-to-follow list of essential oils and blends to apply to different parts of the body (for example, in layers on the entire back, soles of the feet, or inhaled when directed). Throughout the protocols, he will direct the right moment to apply the pure oil, then the coconut oil. He will give you the step-by-step instructions. It can be done by self-application on yourself or on people around you, such as family members.

When we apply this technique, we are not only treating the condition, but also the symptoms and underlying causes. This is the most magical things about the essential oils. With this targeted application, we create an opportunity to teach a person the power and practical use of essential oils.

If you would like to learn more about this technique that I love then I highly encourage you to purchase Boyd Truman’s book with all the protocols and details on how to use for your specific needs.

This will allow anyone to feel how fast you can increase your well-being and have their own experience with essential oils.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

For educational videos please visit my YOUTUBE PAGE.

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

Essential oils to help with physical exercise and recovery

Let's talk about oils with warming and cooling properties. For example, before any exercise or physical activity, you can apply the Deep Blue blend diluted properly or even the DeepBlue Rub ointment to your muscles before and after exercise, thus bringing that calm and muscle relaxation.

Another very good oil to use is Aromatouch, which will also help a lot with the circulatory system. I highly recommend using it as well.

There are other very good oils that I can recommend that have uplifting, energizing, invigorating and motivating properties. I will be mentioning some of them and you should definitely have them with you.

They are Bergamot, Cassia, Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Grapefruit Helichrysum, Lemon, Lime, Myrrh, Peppermint, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Siberian Fir, Spearmint, Tangerine and Wild Orange. These are oils that will give you energy and invigorate you, thus stimulating the practice of exercise. Oils with calming and relaxing properties also have the function of making our body more resilient. They are great for helping you promote that feeling of freedom and strength during your workout. These oils are Cardamom, Douglas-Fir, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Melaleuca and Peppermint. They are the oils that are allies for your well-being routine.

Physical support with essential oils for weight control

I will mention the main ones. So let’s start talking about Grapefruit:

Grapefruit is extremely effective in supporting the breakdown of fat cells, thus reducing body fat. Do you know that volume that fat has? It will act as a sponge for these fats that have been accumulating and consequently our volume will decrease. It is an oil rich in D-limonene, thus supporting the metabolism. It also elevates the mood, minimizes the desire to eat sweets, helping with binge eating, being a perfect ally in healthy weight loss. It can be combined with Patchouli, which worked very well for me. When used topically, it will act as a lymphatic diuretic stimulant that will help burn fat and lose weight. For those unwanted localized fats, massage it. You can also combine it with Cypress, which is excellent for diuretics and circulation. Using it with oil or cream will help break down localized fat.

You can add a few drops to water and drink it throughout the day to eliminate anxiety and cravings for sweets and food. You can take it at times when you are hungry, when it will satisfy and calm that craving. It is also widely used in massages on the chest and wrists, and inhaling deeply will bring comfort to calm your anxiety and desire to eat.

Sublingual use can be done with just one drop, so be careful. And like all citrus oils, sun exposure should be avoided for a period of 12 hours, in case of topical use.


This oil is a true natural astringent that promotes the breakdown of fat cells, reducing body fat. It is also rich in D-limonene, which is excellent for cleansing the lymphatic glands, supporting metabolism and also contributing to weight loss.

It improves digestive health, thus helping the body to function and also balancing the body's pH. It has a high content of monoterpenes that help detoxify and reduce swelling in the body. It has a purifying effect.

Lemon will improve concentration and focus, stimulating self-confidence. It is highly recommended for use in a diffuser. I love the combination with Peppermint in the diffuser for focus and to energize or use in water 2 to 3 times a day to support metabolism and also help you lose weight.

Cinnamon Bark

Cinnamon is one of the most effective oils for weight loss and for supporting weight loss and control.

This oil will help with healthy digestion, as it is rich and has many nutrients and stimulating properties. There are several studies that prove its effects on regulating blood glucose levels, as well as the GTF, which is the glucose tolerance factor, which is excellent for anyone with diabetes.

For those with diabetes, it is good because it will promote blood sugar balance and will also help with weight loss, because by controlling blood sugar fluctuations we will reduce the desire to eat sugar and consequently reduce weight gain. So don't forget to include cinnamon in your routine.


This oil has a pleasant aroma and I really like it. It is a great support for inflammatory issues that occur in the body and a great support for weight loss.

When losing weight, it will help reduce the desire for sugar and the levels of inflammation in the body will decrease. It is an extremely powerful oil. It is composed of gingerols that are responsible for improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals that we have. And with this, we will increase the flow of cellular energy and consequently have a greater burning of fat. The benefits of ginger are incredible.


This oil will give you a boost of energy and will improve your performance when practicing physical exercise. So it stimulates the body and mind and there it will also clear the airways, giving us energy that will also improve our performance in physical activity. It is a true pre-workout, because using it this way will allow you to open the airways and consequently give you more energy and focus.

Peppermint is super invigorating, helping with depression, encouraging and helping people rediscover the joy of being alive. Another property it has, menthol, is that it takes away heat from the body. So if you exercise and feel very hot, apply it to the back of your neck and shoulders and you will love the refreshing sensation it will give you.

Meta PWR

A mix of essential oils that help increase your metabolism, helping with weight loss and reducing appetite. It was created especially to promote this increase in metabolism for you to use when you work out or even in your daily routine.

It will promote the breakdown of sugar and fat, regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation and improve nutrient absorption. It is a detoxifier, stimulant and energizer, but it is faster. Yes, it is stimulating and energizing. It is an oil and it seems to speed things up, it gives you that feeling of being faster. So for people who are more sensitive to caffeine or substances that accelerate at night and consequently disrupt sleep, I do not recommend using it in the late afternoon. I recommend using it earlier, like in the morning. So get to know your body and how it reacts and, if possible, make the necessary changes.

Meta Power will help with weight loss and appetite reduction. It has the essential oils that I already mentioned, so it is this Blend with all the oils: Peppermint, Cinnamon, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lemon.

Additional oils/ products to further aid weight loss:

Digestzen will provide wonderful support for both the digestive and intestinal tract. DDR Prime will help with endocrine support and aids in a healthy metabolism. These are two oils that I take daily. And finally, the supplements with dōTerra vitamins that will help your immune system stay healthy.

Trim Shake/ Protein Shake, after many studies, was developed to aid in the weight loss process and can be used to replace up to two meals. You can use it without worrying that you won't lose the micro and macro nutrients necessary for our body. It has a complex of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a meal.

It can be used in two ways, which is to maintain a healthy weight, to compensate when you overeat a meal, it is a convenient way to eat less fat and calories, thus maintaining the levels of protein and carbohydrates that your body needs.

Suggested protocol combined with diet and exercise:


  • Empty vegetable capsule with:

    • 2 drops of DDR Prime

    • 2 drops of Zengest

    • 1 drop of Frankincense

    • 1 drop of Copaiba

    • 1 drop of On Guard

Lemon in water (1-2 drops). Inhale Peppermint before physical exercise. MetaPWR in a glass or aluminum water bottle during training.

Before lunch

  • 2 drops of Grapefruit in water and then if you still feel hungry you can inhale or drop 1 drop sublingually.


  • Meta PWR (1-2 drops) after lunch

  • During the day in water, alternate the use of these oils. Cinnamon, Ginger, Cloves and Cinnamon. Grapefruit in the late afternoon, which can be used in water, or inhaled or sublingually.


  • Before meals, Grapefruit (1-2 drops), which can either be inhaled or used sublingually.

  • Depending on whether I overdid it during the day or if I'm feeling bloated, I like to use it in capsules:

    • 1 drop of lemongrass

    • 2 drops of turmeric

    • 1 drop of Lemon

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How to start a lifestyle change and control your weight

You must love yourself and put yourself first. This is the starting point for any lifestyle change. If you are well, you will be in a better position to serve everyone around you. Start by making yourself your priority. Then define your WHYs, that is, why you want to lose weight, why you want to control your weight. Defining your goal will also be essential to help you achieve your whys. Having the goal of knowing where you want to go, how you want to feel, how you want to be. Treating and balancing your emotions is essential to having a balance between your mind and body.

Your mind will tell you that you are hungry, but it is not real hunger, it is psychological hunger, not the hunger of an empty stomach. So reflecting on these things and providing emotional support is essential for you to be able to follow the path of weight control and know that it is up to you to control your diet. It is up to you to exercise. Stay focused and objective.

Eat real foods, live foods, less processed. If you give your body this nutritional support, it will give you the results you need, because food is the basis and you shouldn't waste time with shortcuts and miraculous situations. There is no shortcut to health, either you do it right or you don't. It's the same as seeing a healthcare professional or a doctor, a cardiologist for exercise, a physical educator, a nutritionist.

These people are there to help you on this path. Psychologists can also help if you need it. Look for the support you need to achieve your goals. Take your time, because everyone has their own time, don't compare yourself to someone who says, "I lost so many kilos in so many days." We are not the same, but your time, your needs, and your reality. If you overdid it today, make up for it with your next meal. Have a social life. You can't forget about the world and live only focused on this diet, because we're not talking about the diet, but rather a change in your life, which requires changing your bad habits so that you can have this quality of life and start living.

Take advantage of this moment to get to know yourself and mature for the moment when you will certainly reflect and change many things in your life.

Consequences of Obesity

Obesity brings circulatory, respiratory and inflammatory complications, and even movement problems. It also brings emotional and self-esteem problems, compulsive eating that often ends up interpersonal relationships and even romantic and affective relationships.

Obesity also brings a lot of excess toxins to our body. Because it overloads our body and hinders the absorption of what we eat and also of the toxins that we have in our lives that directly and indirectly enter our body. And with that, several other things that involve joints, limitations and pain. It is necessary to take care of obesity, because it is a reality and essential oils can help you with that.

Healthy habits and essential oils

We have already talked about the benefits of a healthy diet, what the body needs and what it needs to strengthen itself. Our body and our mind are intelligent. They adapt very quickly and if you have a quality diet your body will respond with a healthier body, with a faster response to what you are doing and this starts with a great diet with live foods. Any nutritionist will indicate and tell you which foods to eat, will ask you to avoid vegetable oils, reduce sugar, caffeine, dairy products, processed foods. This will be an excellent way for you to start, because we are what we absorb.

We also need to have the benefit of exercise in our routine and essential oils can be part of any routine, be it training or diet. Essential oils can be used for emotional support and also influence your metabolism. And we will talk about some of them.

These essential oils will help you accept the situation you are in now and will help you to have clarity about where you want to go. They will help you control anxiety, binge eating and even a depressive state that you may be going through, which will give you that hand to pull you up and that will lead you to a new being and a new way of being.

These are some oils that we recommend you have in your daily routine. You can choose some or all of them. It is important to try them and see which ones give you the best results:

  1. Peppermint: It brings energy, will give you focus and disposition. 

  2. Tangerine: It is a citrus oil that energizes and will bring you optimism. These oils are used in the morning in an aromatic way to bring the focus and energy you need for your day.

  3. Balance: It is a citrus oil that energizes and will bring you optimism. These oils are used in the morning in an aromatic way to bring the focus and energy you need for your day.

  4. Lavender: is also associated with balance and is wonderful. Lavender is known for its calming properties during these periods of dietary restriction. As we tend to get very irritated and anxious, these oils are there to calm the nervous system and support sleep and relaxation. This self expression essential oil will provide this support so that you can also carry out what you seek. Use it aromatically in the diffuser or even a drop on the pillow can help at bedtime too.

  5. Geranium: For us women who have a lot of hormonal fluctuations, the famous PMS. It brings this emotional balance, it will help a lot in controlling mood. Highly recommended for us women to use this oil for fluid retention, it can be used topically and is also very good.

  6. Frankincense: It is a tranquilizer, an antidepressant because it will bring calm and tranquility. It will bring this support and also spiritual support. Frankincense is our connection with the Father, so it is also a basis for our faith, it will help us strengthen and assist us on this path.

  7. Grapefruit: It is a wonderful citrus oil that is extremely essential in this weight control process. It will help with self-esteem in the search for pleasure and also in happiness. Inhaling this oil and using it in the diffuser at home and in your personal diffuser will help you a lot.

  8. Bergamot: it is also calming and relaxes you. It is the oil of self-acceptance and positivity of seeing the good side, so it will be that oil to give you that little push to be able to achieve and follow this path.

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

Essential Oils of the Bible: Sandalwood and Cypress


In the Bible, Sandalwood is called the oil of joy and satisfaction, along with Frankincense, Myrrh, and Cedar. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea brought Sandalwood and Myrrh to bury Jesus, and at today's prices, the estimated amount would be around $200,000.

The main benefits of Sandalwood are that it promotes mental clarity and improves memory. It can increase testosterone levels and is an aphrodisiac. It can help reduce inflammation, regulate blood pressure, and inhibit tumor growth. It also acts as a natural deodorant and perfume. I particularly love it and use it with dōTERRA Hair Serum and two drops of this oil after washing my hair, and when my hair dries, I can smell its scent all day long.

Emotionally, Sandalwood is the oil of Sacred devotion. It teaches respect and reverence for the divine, humility, spiritual clarity, and connection with higher consciousness. It is also an oil with a very high vibration. You can use Sandalwood while meditating. You can place a drop of the oil on your third eye during prayer, which will open you to this spiritual connection and clarity.


Cypress is celebrated in the Bible as a symbol of strength, security and prosperity. It was a wood often used to build houses and boats. Legend has it that Jesus was crucified on a cross made of cedar and cypress.

The benefits of Cypress include improving the appearance of varicose veins and cellulite. It also helps to reduce hemorrhoids. It is wonderful for people who have circulation problems in their legs or who feel swollen and tired. This oil is wonderful for a massage. Cypress with Frankincense on the legs will help to reduce swelling, bruises and muscle strains.

Cypress can help with prostate health, edema, reduce fluid and calm respiratory conditions.

Emotionally, it is an oil of fluidity. Recommended for people who are very rigid in their methodical way of working. I say this from my own experience, because I was a person with this tendency, and this oil helped me a lot and changed everything in my life.

So if you need this help on the emotional side, this oil will help you let things flow, help you trust that things will be safe. It is important that at some point, no matter how calm and relaxed you are, we need to believe and let things flow. This oil gives fluidity of movement, which will let things flow.

It can be applied to the chest, the back of the neck, the soles of the feet, and in the diffuser whenever you need it. As I said in a prior post, leave the diffuser on for a week, so that the oil itself can do its work.

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Essential Oils of the Bible: Spikenard and Cassia


Spikenard is widely used in ointments and is an expensive and very exclusive oil. The Bible mentions that Mary anointed Jesus' feet with the purifying spikenard. John explains how spikenard was used to anoint Jesus a few days before his death and resurrection.

The main benefits of spikenard are its medicinal and antibiotic properties that can be used to reduce inflammation, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

It strengthens the immune system, aids in hair growth and treats insomnia. For people who suffer from constipation, it also helps with this issue. Just rub one drop diluted with fractionated coconut oil on your belly.

For those familiar with this oil, you know it has a very particular aroma. It is not an aroma that pleases everyone, but it is powerful. In emotional aspects, it is the oil of gratitude, which brings feelings of contentment and peace.


Cassia is the cousin of cinnamon. It is also considered by traditional Chinese medicine to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs. The Egyptians imported cassia to China and used it in the embalming process. In spiritual terms, Cassia refers to the devotion and consecration of the heart of the devotees and its main benefits are in regulating blood sugar. It is very similar to the properties of Cinnamon and the smell is also very similar and stimulates the metabolism, stimulates heat and the cold extremities of the body. Cinnamon is also a very hot oil.

So for those people who have this tendency to have cold extremities, you can do a massage with cassia or cinnamon with coconut oil. Cassia increases libido, detoxifies the lungs in the diffuser and, if used internally, helps to reduce the desire for sweets.

It is a natural antidepressant. For emotional aspects, Cassia is the oil of self-acceptance, the oil of courage, of self-esteem. It helps to bring feelings of self-confidence and authenticity.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

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Essential Oils of the Bible: Cedarwood

Cedarwood is a wonderful oil, I'm in love with it. We all have our favorite oils and lately I've been really loving cedarwood.

King Solomon used cedarwood to build the temple of God. Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross made of cedarwood. It was a wood widely used in rituals to bring wisdom, purification and was widely used in the treatment of leprosy, among other skin conditions. We know that cedarwood is wonderful for skin conditions.

Very well known for its use for focus and concentration, relief of ADHD symptoms, it is super calming and helps people center themselves and become calmer, which is why it helps children who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

For skin symptoms such as psoriasis, eczema, it is a wonderful oil for you to add to your mixtures and to help relieve acne, coughs, and sinusitis.

It is a natural insect repellent that I use with cedar in cotton balls inside drawers to keep moths away and also fight fungal infections.

Cedar is widely used for emotional aspects. It is an oil that makes us feel connected to the world and part of a community. It is excellent for people who live alone. This oil brings a sense of belonging and brings joy to relationships. The emotional aspect of cedar is wonderful and its aroma is spectacular to me. I am passionate about wood.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

Essential Oils of the Bible: Cinnamon

Cinnamon was also widely used in sacred functions, as an air purifier to combat mold and as a natural medicine. We know that On Guard, our protective blend, is wonderful for combating mold and fungi, and Cinnamon is part of the blend. In Proverbs, Solomon also uses this aromatic oil in the bedroom as a natural perfume and cologne, since cinnamon has this sweet scent.

So, if you really like sweets and have cravings, you can put a drop on your tongue and/or a drop on your hand to inhale its aroma. Cinnamon brings this balance to the cravings for sweets. One way to use it is to add just a few drops to your water, because cinnamon is very strong and using a little bit will not cause any discomfort or inconvenience.

One of the main benefits it can bring to your heart health is by promoting circulatory stimulation. It also helps control insulin and regulate blood sugar, supporting cholesterol balance. Cinnamon is antibacterial and antiparasitic. Reinforcing its use topically, Cinnamon is an oil that should always be diluted due to its nature. It is recommended that it be diluted whenever you use topically to avoid certain skin irritations.

Emotionally, cinnamon is the oil of sexual harmony, acceptance of our body, healthy sexuality. It is the oil of intimacy and harmony in general. For emotional aspects, you can use it aromatically, on the back of the neck, which covers all emotional aspects.

Whenever I feel that I need some oil for any emotional aspect, I use it in the diffuser and forget about it and leave the same oil there for a few days or weeks until it suddenly neutralizes me. Sometimes we feel that we need a more intense emotional oil in the diffuser. The best thing is to leave it there at home or at your work, in the office, and it will work unconsciously without necessarily thinking about it. Let it act, that is surrender.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

Essential Oils of the Bible: Myrrh

Now let's talk about Myrrh. It is an oil mentioned more than 156 times in the Bible and was used as a spice in ancient times, a natural remedy, very valuable for purifying the dead. And its best-known use was as a gift from the Magi to Jesus Christ, along with Frankincense, which we have already studied prior, and gold.

This essential oil is wonderful for the skin, helping to bring a more radiant and even complexion to the face. Always remember to dilute it with a neutral vegetable oil for more sensitive areas of the body.

This is an oil also widely used to balance emotions and before rituals in general, whether prayer or meditation. It was widely used by Queen Esther for beauty treatments. It was also a natural sunscreen, so we can protect ourselves from ultraviolet rays. Myrrh is also wonderful for skin blemishes, its aroma is wonderful, earthy and I believe that it pleases most people.

When we mention the spiritual connection, Myrrh brings these benefits: it acts on the spiritual connection with God during prayer and meditation. It is an oil with a very high vibration, and some oils stand out, like Myrrh and Frankincense. Myrrh has an anti-inflammatory property that we often use for wounds, healing, and relieving herpes problems, mouth irritations, and dental treatments in an inflammatory process. It can be used to rinse your mouth to maintain healthy gums because it fights unwanted microorganisms in this area of the mouth and also has antitumoral properties, just like Frankincense.

Let's analyze the emotional aspects of Myrrh. It reflects the relationship with Mother Earth and Frankincense with the Divine Father. This brings a balance so that we are connected to our planet, with the Earth, and with the Divine, bringing us feelings of security and trust in the world so that you can have this connection and be more in the present moment.

One of the most recommended places to use Myrrh essential oil is the lower back, at the base of the spine. It's like the bond we have with our mother, this structure, this foundation of our life is our relationship with our mother represented by the base of the spine. This brings together the emotional side of people and creates a relationship, a fortress so we can project ourselves when going into the world. It brings security and confidence to us so we feel more loved and nourished. It's the maternal connection.

So if you need any of these aspects to protect that feeling of being loved and nourished, which is what we need as we come into this world, then Myrrh is essential in this process.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

For educational videos please visit my YOUTUBE PAGE.

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

Essential Oils of the Bible: Frankincense

For thousands of years, essential oils have been an integral part of people's lives and health. At least 33 oils are mentioned in the Bible as fragrances, odors, ointments, aromas and perfumes. Oils such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Rosemary and Spikenard were used to anoint and heal the sick. They had many religious uses in anointing the sick and in religious rituals, but they were also used extensively in therapeutic and health matters.

For thousands of years, essential oils have been an integral part of people's lives and health. At least 33 oils are mentioned in the Bible as fragrances, odors, ointments, aromas and perfumes. Oils such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Rosemary and Spikenard were used to anoint and heal the sick. They had many religious uses in anointing the sick and in religious rituals, but they were also used extensively in therapeutic and health matters.

Essential oils were an integral part of medicine at that time, and people used them as antibiotics, medicines and antiseptics. And there are many passages in the Bible mentioning essential oils. For example, when Mary used Spikenard to wash Jesus' feet and dried them with her hair, the house was filled with the scent of the balm. Mentions like this are very common in the Bible. Spikenard, for example, is an oil often mentioned in purification rituals. They mention that they bathed Jesus with Spikenard, placing it on top of his head and cleaning his feet.

For purification rituals, before marriage, the bride and groom also bathed with Spikenard and Frankincense. So, these are two oils that are often used in these rituals. It is very powerful, and we know that these are two oils with a very high vibration as well.

In this post, we will focus on the wonderful properties of Frankincense. This is the king of oils, used for over 2,000 years and was given as a gift to Jesus by the three wise men when he was born, along with Myrrh. At that time, Frankincense and Myrrh were worth more than gold, weight for weight. In other words, these two oils were considered a precisous medicine and antibiotic of the time.

We know that Frankincense has a very high vibration, so it is an oil that is often used to counteract negative emotions and stress, because it raises our vibrational frequency, helps support the immune system and prevents diseases. You can use it along your spine, on the soles of your feet or behind your ears for an immediate calming and soothing effect.

It has antitumor properties, is a natural neuroprotector, helps prevent brain degeneration, supports memory and supports our cognitive functions. And here in the United States we have the Lifelong Vitality Pack, which is a vitamin complex with 9 essential oils, one of which is Frankincense. And in if you are in Brazil or other country where the Lifelong Vitality Pack is not available, you can benefit by putting a drop of Frankincense under your tongue daily for cognitive support and immune strength.

Frankincense also offers anti-aging properties. You can dilute a drop in your favorite face cream to enhance its anti-wrinkle properties. In Egypt, Myrrh was also used to beautify the skin, as an anti-aging aid.

Emotionally, Frankincense is the oil of your truth, it is the oil that brings out our intrinsic truth from within us, that shows us our true purpose. The oil of enlightenment is the oil that connects us to the divine, or that aspect of our divinity. And that is why it is the oil that is also related to the seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra, so it is very powerful. You can place one drop daily on the top of your head to obtain all these benefits.

It is an oil that evokes love, protection, spiritual connection. If you feel unprotected or have difficulty connecting with the divine, or difficulty in moments of prayer, whatever blockage in your relationship with the spiritual world, Frankincense can help you.

As always, do not forget the power of a diffuser. Use it daily in your environment, especially when you meditate, or you can put a drop in your hand and inhale deeply.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

For educational videos please visit my YOUTUBE PAGE.

Follow me on Instagram @lucianapaz.eo

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Luciana Paz Luciana Paz

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds that are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They are the immune system of the plants and protect them against external environmental threats such as viruses, bacterias, germs and diseases that may attack their cells. One drop of essential oil contains hundreds of compounds offering a powerful chemistry for fighting many different diseases.

Our bodies and the plants have similar building blocks, so when we take these essential oils, they are in a very familiar environment and they go to work on our behalf the same way they would for the plant. And they protect us fighting bacterias, viruses, getting rid of toxins and boosting our immune system.

Essential oils don't just treat symptoms, they work on the root cause of the condition at the cellular level. Many studies have documented that 100% pure essential oils have the capacity to stop superbugs, relieve chronic pain, elevate mood and restore cells.

All of doTERRA essential oils come from places where the climate, seasons and the soil create the perfect environment to produce the most effective essential oil. Then farmers, in partnership with doTERRA, extract these oils with integrity and patience making sure these oils get to our houses in its most potent and pure form. All doTERRA essential oils are Certified Pure Therapeutical Grade (CPTG), meaning they are free of contaminants, pesticides, adulterants or fillers. Every single bottle of doTERRA essential oil is tested multiple times by third parties to guarantee its purity and safety. They are safe for topical, aromatic and internal use.

Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds that are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They are the immune system of the plants and protect them against external environmental threats such as viruses, bacterias, germs and diseases that may attack their cells. One drop of essential oil contains hundreds of compounds offering a powerful chemistry for fighting many different diseases.

Our bodies and the plants have similar building blocks, so when we take these essential oils, they are in a very familiar environment and they go to work on our behalf the same way they would for the plant. And they protect us fighting bacterias, viruses, getting rid of toxins and boosting our immune system.

Essential oils don't just treat symptoms, they work on the root cause of the condition at the cellular level. Many studies have documented that 100% pure essential oils have the capacity to stop superbugs, relieve chronic pain, elevate mood and restore cells.

All of doTERRA essential oils come from places where the climate, seasons and the soil create the perfect environment to produce the most effective essential oil. Then farmers, in partnership with doTERRA, extract these oils with integrity and patience making sure these oils get to our houses in its most potent and pure form. All doTERRA essential oils are Certified Pure Therapeutical Grade (CPTG), meaning they are free of contaminants, pesticides, adulterants or fillers. Every single bottle of doTERRA essential oil is tested multiple times by third parties to guarantee its purity and safety. They are safe for topical, aromatic and internal use.

If you’d like to learn more or to purchase your first kit, please CLICK HERE to visit my virtual store.

For educational videos please visit my YOUTUBE PAGE.

Follow me on Instagram @lucianapaz.eo

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