
In my opinion, Bergamot is a must have in your collection of essential oils.

This is a highly antiviral oil, and it even acts in a definite way against these threats when other oils, such as doTERRA On Guard or Lemon do not give the desired results. Also, on the emotional side, this is an oil we all need at certain moments in our lives. We’ll see more details about its emotional use. The 100% pure Bergamot from doTERRA can be used internally, aromatically in a diffuser, and also topically. 

That being said, I recommend avoiding the topical application of Bergamot as much as possible, since it is the most photosensitive of all citrus oils. When used topically, you should wait at least 48 hours before any sun exposure. Otherwise, it can burn the skin and blemishes may occur, which will take time to heal.

Some interesting facts about bergamot:

Bergamot is similar to an orange, a small tangerine, it is a citrus fruit, and it was used as a fragrance in the first colognes that were created, as far as you know.

It is widely used as a flavoring in teas, very well known in England, called Earl Grey. It is a very common tea, like black tea, which we use a lot in Brazil. Earl Grey is a type of tea that is widely used in England, and bergamot is often used as a flavoring for this type of tea.

It is distilled and cold pressed from the fruit's peel. It is found in the Beautiful blend, found here in the United States, in the Align blend, which is an alignment blend that is part of the yoga kit, and in Citrus Bliss, which is very well known in Brazil. And it’s also found in Clary Calm, which is the women's blend. It makes excellent synergy with Ylang Ylang, lavender and patchouli oils.

So, what are the therapeutic uses of bergamot?

It is a neurotonic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antibacterial, antifungal, stimulant of the digestive system and a powerful sedative.

Bergamot is wonderful for those who have trouble falling asleep. It calms the mind and gives that feeling of deep relaxation. Apply to the soles of your feet and the back of your neck and diffuse.

For sadness, it is highly recommended for people who are going through a difficult period of sadness. I highly recommend using this oil in a diffuser.

It also helps with feelings of stress, joint support and cramps. For fungal problems, you can apply it directly to the affected areas. To support the respiratory system, such as coughs and bronchitis, you can apply it to your chest and use it in a diffuser.

For congestion problems, bergamot is widely used. Bergamot can be used internally, as it will help strengthen our body's immune response. If you think you are going to catch a cold or the flu, you can take bergamot internally. It is great for activating the immune system.

Let's now talk about the emotional side of bergamot, which is the oil of Self-Acceptance.

Bergamot helps to alleviate feelings of despair and self-judgment and low self-esteem. It helps individuals to clear stagnant feelings and limiting beliefs about themselves.

This oil invites the individual to see themselves in a more optimistic light. When a person cannot identify positive points in themselves, this oil invites them to look at themselves, to look inside, to see this light of feelings of greater optimism and positivity. 

People who believe that they are bad, unloved, not good enough tend to hide behind a mask. Especially people who feel they have to show they are happy and cheerful all the time. Usually this is a facade. People are always smiling, always laughing. It is a facade, it is a mask. There are so many things that we hide behind this mask and I would say that we all do this, one way or the other, we hide behind a mask. I would say that we all have this fear of expressing our true feelings and thoughts. 

The purifying and cleansing properties of Bergamot help us to remove these energies of negative beliefs, bringing hope. Hope that we can be able to see and accept. Because many times it is a fear of accepting who we are and the positive things that we have. So, the recommendation for those people who have feelings of despair, self-judgment, lack of love, and hopelessness is Bergamot. This oil brings optimism, confidence, self-love, and self-sufficiency. It activates the Self. I am good enough. I have positive characteristics that I can help other people with. I have positive things in me, I identify them in myself. It will bring a sensation of self-love and self-confidence.

At first, this oil may have an aroma that you may not like very much. So I recommend using it diluted on the soles of your feet. If it's an aroma that you like and you still feel that you need this oil, use it in the diffuser.

Start using it in your diffuser every day. My recommendation is that whenever we are working on our emotions, we can use it for one or two weeks. See how you feel, notice what has changed in you.

All oils do this. That's why I like to use it for one or two weeks and then stop and re-analyze the situation. The oils lift veils. We all have veils. There are aspects of ourselves that we don't want to see. Using oils consistently shows us aspects of ourselves that were hidden. For me, this is the greatest gift.

Another example I can give of this aspect is like a flower that is blooming. Many of us have this closed bud that never opens. Throughout our lives, we close ourselves off because we don't want to see it. We are afraid of our own brilliance. Deep down, it is afraid of seeing the brilliance that we have inside us.

That's why I always say that we all need all the oils. And we begin to open this flower. And we begin to remove these veils and this process of self-knowledge begins. Each oil works on a different aspect.

All of us, at some point in our lives, will need more of one oil than another, but invariably, we all need all of these oils. So, work on the feeling that you think is most important to you at that moment. Use it for one or two weeks. Use it in a diffuser, use it on the soles of your feet and start to feel what you need to work on. You may start to go through a crisis, which is completely normal.

Sometimes, in order to heal our hearts, we need to go through a process of discovery and a process of crisis, which is not easy. Many times, looking at aspects that we have hidden for so many years inside of us is not easy. So, let it be a slow process and let you process it according to the intensity and need of each one, but let us be able to process it in the best way possible.

This will allow anyone to feel how fast you can increase your well-being and have their own experience with essential oils.

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Sinfonia das células- Método de Aplicação dos Óleos Essenciais por Boyd Truman